Tips To Fix Carpets

The carpet in your home is not only a beautiful addition to design but also an investment. Therefore it can be frustrating when a sputtering ember burns a hole in your beautiful rug or a spring storm floods the basement family room. You don’t have replace your carpet or call a pro. In this article we will show you how to solve similar problems and increase the life of your carpet.

Dented carpeting

Heavy furniture can leave indentations in carpet. If you want to prevent this, put furniture glides or cups under the furniture legs, or occasionally move your furniture a couple of inches to give your carpet a break. When areas have become crushed, use a coin to work the carpet pile back upright, and then hold a steam iron not more than 4 inches above the spot until the iron warms the fibers.

Tufts need trimming

If a tuft rises above the rest of the carpet pile, do not pull it out. Using a pair of scissors, just snip it flush with the surface. Pulling a tuft can cause a larger area to unravel.

Rippled carpet

If your wall-to-wall carpet suddenly appears to be rippled, it’s probably because of high humidity in your home. Normally, this problem disappears on its own when the climate becomes drier. If it doesn’t, have a carpet installer re-stretch your carpet. Buying a dehumidifier might also be a solution.


Fixing Carpet Seams or Tears

If your wall-to-wall carpeting is not properly installed, you may find that the seams between sections of carpet will start coming apart, especially in a high-traffic area. It’s a good idea to glue seams down again as quickly as possible so that they do not fray. Carpet suppliers and some hardware stores sell seam adhesive. Gently pull away as much loose seam as possible. Apply seam adhesive to the backing of one edge of the carpet, between the pile and the pad. Do not get the fluid on the pile as it can damage or stain it. Tug gently on the carpet and pull it as far toward the other edge as possible. Repeat for the other side. Smooth out bubbles and bulges by pressing outward from the seam with your hands.

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Repairing Carpet Snags

Fixing snags in looped carpets is a relatively easy job with the help of a nail set or small screwdriver and carpet seam sealer, available from home centers.

Count the number of curls along the pulled-out strand and make a single cut to allow the right number of loops for each side of the run. Outline the run with masking tape. Apply the adhesive inside the run, and then, with the nail set or small screwdriver, press the portions of yarn that have old adhesive stuck to them back down into the backing, creating properly sized loops.