Our company was founded in 1970. Since then we have manufactured decorative skin and rugs with natural hair from Normandy and Brittany.

Our skins are tanned and processed in our own factory, to the final finishing touches.

Normandy bull skin is distinguished by its quality and attractiveness; they are the only skins in the world in three colours, which makes them truly different.

Specialised workers with years of experience make the rugs in our workshop, combining natural and dyed colours in a wide variety of shapes; from square to rectangular and round, in multiple square sections of 10, 20 and 30 cm.

Our clients and our experience are testimony to our quality products. We are currently the only manufacturers in Spain.

  • Pol. Ind. de la Serra, P12 17176 Sant Esteve d’en Bas (Girona)
  • Tel. +34 972262382, Fax. +34 972271158
  • pipsa@pielespipsa.com
  • www.pielespipsa.com