Deregözü Carpet

Since 1991 Deregözü on the business.
The market trends evolved so did the types of weavings and textiles that we offered. In the early 2000’s we started the new production of textiles with strong Central Asian and Ottoman patterns. Our focus was on interior décor textiles with ethnographic and sophisticated designs. The range of new textiles is extraordinary. Using colors and designs that fit into the modern home setting, we produce over 500 ikat patterns and 300 silk velvet designs. Our suzani production includes a variety of sizes from pillows to bedcovers.

  • Çatalçeşme Sokak İmamoğlu İşhanı No:4 Kat 1 D.7 PK 34110 Cağaloğlu/İstanbul
  • Tel: +90 212 513 13 72
  • Gsm: +90 507 075 41 71