Granit Halı

In the 1980s, he started to serve in the electricity sector, and in the year 2000 he started to serve in the heating and electric heating systems sectors.

Mainly in various working environments; glass, mescitler, otelleri, residans … We are continuing our activities safely with approximately 8,000 completed projects together with domestic and foreign glass from the areas we serve.

Adres : İrfan Baştuğ Cad. No:135 / A (Altınpark Karşısı) Keçiören / Ankara
Telefon : 0312 580 12 43
Faks : 0312 580 12 43
GSM : 0533 558 19 19
GSM : 0507 704 51 05
GSM : 0542 849 40 40
Halı Altı Isıtma Ev İçin : 0544 580 12 43